Tucker Carlson guest tells African-Americans “you need to move on” from slavery Video & Audio 02/21/19 9:04 PM EST
Frequent Fox News guest tells Laura Ingraham “we are in a civil war;” suggests everyone buy guns to prepare for “total war” Video & Audio 02/21/19 5:48 PM EST
Fox News has spent years promoting claims of a “coup” against Donald Trump Article 02/21/19 1:31 PM EST
Fox guest: Intersectionality means “the more kind of minority points that you have ... the more privileged you are” Video & Audio 02/21/19 1:30 PM EST
Here are the lies and partisanship CNN's new political editor has pushed in cable news appearances Article 02/21/19 11:37 AM EST
Tucker Carlson says government-sponsored child care will “no doubt” be used “to justify more immigration” Video & Audio 02/21/19 11:34 AM EST
Fox & Friends guest complains college courses convey “anti-white bias” and are a way of “scapegoating” white males Video & Audio 02/21/19 9:19 AM EST
Laura Ingraham attacks critics of “I believe in white supremacy” quote from John Wayne in 1971 Playboy interview Video & Audio 02/20/19 11:04 PM EST
Sean Hannity justifies keeping Mueller report hidden from the public Video & Audio 02/20/19 9:48 PM EST
Lou Dobbs promises to call Trump and tell him to release sealed FBI and DOJ documents Video & Audio 02/20/19 8:18 PM EST
In an unaired segment, Tucker Carlson had a meltdown after a guest exposed his hollow criticisms of the super rich Article 02/20/19 5:13 PM EST
CNN’s new political editor has a history of spreading anti-abortion misinformation Article 02/20/19 11:42 AM EST
Fox & Friends dredges up lies about Uranium One and Andrew McCabe's wife to defend Trump against investigations Video & Audio 02/20/19 9:41 AM EST
Fox guest deflects from report that Trump wanted loyalist heading Russia probe by saying Democrats are responsible for “a Russian misinformation campaign” Video & Audio 02/20/19 8:55 AM EST
Hannity: If AG Bill Barr doesn't investigate Hillary Clinton, “it will be a shredding of the Constitution and the end of the rule of law as we know it” Video & Audio 02/19/19 10:12 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: “You know it's untrue, that the darker you are the more oppressed you are” Video & Audio 02/19/19 8:52 PM EST
Lou Dobbs says McCabe confessed to “FBI plans to carry out what was and is nothing less than the attempted overthrow of the U.S. government” Video & Audio 02/19/19 7:45 PM EST