KMGH aired Tancredo falsehood that Miami is the “murder capital of the world” Article 11/29/06 9:29 PM EST
Olbermann awarded Savage “Worst Person” for claiming anti-gay remark will appear “in several of the blogs run by gays,” whom he compared to “drug addicts” Video & Audio 11/21/06 12:53 PM EST
Savage: Anti-gay remarks will “wind up tomorrow” on “blogs run by gays,” who are “like drug addicts” Article 11/17/06 7:50 PM EST
Olbermann named Savage “Worst Person” runner-up for declaring "[t]he radical homosexual agenda will not stop until religion is outlawed in this country" Video & Audio 11/15/06 12:48 PM EST
Media Matters review: Scant media coverage of conservative blogger's arrest for anthrax scare, score of reports on liberal blogger's run-in with Allen campaign Article 11/14/06 7:34 PM EST
Nationally syndicated Savage to listeners: “The radical homosexual agenda ... threaten[s] your very survival” Article 11/14/06 3:10 PM EST
Ignoring widespread agreement on core issues, media suggested wins by “conservative Democrats” will cause intraparty strife Article 11/08/06 3:52 PM EST
Blitzer failed to ID Matalin as Allen campaign adviser, even as she claimed that Democrats are “not going to win” Virginia Senate race Article 11/04/06 2:52 PM EST
Fox & Friends hosts touted WorldNetDaily, NY Sun allegations that terrorists “hope Americans sweep the Democrats into power because of the party's position on withdrawawing from Iraq” Article 11/03/06 8:51 PM EST
Intent on propping up liberal-media myth, Hume, O'Reilly, and Beck complained about coverage of Kerry flap Article 11/03/06 5:10 PM EST
After trumpeting Bush's defense of the troops, media have yet to challenge Bush decision to dismantle checkpoints and downgrade search for missing soldier in Iraq Article 11/01/06 8:23 PM EST