Kurtz and Tapper criticized Coulter's invective, but asserted her underlying argument was “valid” and “honest” Article 06/12/06 8:35 PM EDT
Limbaugh and Fox News responded to U.N. deputy Sec.-Gen. Brown with attacks Article 06/12/06 11:34 AM EDT
On Fox, Coulter further criticized victims -- including Max Cleland and Christopher Reeve -- for using their “personal story”: “Just make the argument. Be a man. Step up to the plate.” Article 06/09/06 3:39 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Haditha incident will result in “a gang rape by the Democratic Party, the American left, and the drive-by media” Video & Audio 06/06/06 4:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh admitted to airing call from phony liberal-bashing Lt. Col. in Iraq but continued to hold out hope officer was real Article 06/05/06 4:58 PM EDT
Hewitt touted Limbaugh's “information dissemination” as a model for mainstream media to get America's “trust back” Article 05/31/06 7:17 PM EDT
Du Pont, Limbaugh distorted scientific research to downplay global warming Article 05/23/06 6:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh, Imus, Carlson touted Drudge story on DNC even after Drudge issued apparent retraction Article 05/23/06 6:01 PM EDT
Media continue to ignore Bush's reported support for House immigration bill's punitive provisions Article 05/23/06 9:27 AM EDT
Cheney appeared on Rush Limbaugh less than a week after Limbaugh said Iranian president's letter contained “Hollywood Jewish” talking points Video & Audio 05/18/06 11:18 AM EDT
Colbert lampooned conservatives who equated Ahmadinejad letter with Democratic-progressive talking points Article 05/17/06 2:01 PM EDT
No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information. WSJ's Henninger suggested Ahmadinejad's views “correlate with the views of whoever in the CIA leaked the prisons' existence” Video & Audio 05/12/06 12:39 PM EDT
Fox's Gibson, Barnes equated Iranian president's letter with positions of Democrats, progressives Video & Audio 05/11/06 4:20 PM EDT