Olbermann crowned O'Reilly “Worst Person in the World,” two nights in a row, for Iraq withdrawal flip-flop and Gabler “rabid dog” comments Video & Audio 02/24/06 12:33 PM EST
Brooks, Limbaugh falsely suggested Schumer, Corzine, and Clinton ignored port security before Dubai deal controversy Article 02/23/06 4:09 PM EST
Limbaugh on Harvard's Summers resignation: At renamed “Hervard,” transsexuals would be told “your scholarship's in the mail before you even apply” Video & Audio 02/23/06 2:23 PM EST
Limbaugh's sexist trifecta: called Justice Souter “a girl” and Jack Carter “castrated”; returned to disavowed term “feminazis” Video & Audio 02/23/06 11:02 AM EST
Limbaugh: AP report on Sherrod Brown “racial component” falsehood demonstrates that “I get it right all the time” Article 02/22/06 3:04 PM EST
Limbaugh, Fox's Angle repeated misleading claim that NSA program targeted only terror suspects Article 02/17/06 5:03 PM EST
Limbaugh falsely claimed that Cheney said he drank beer “five hours before going hunting” Article 02/17/06 1:54 PM EST
Limbaugh: Wal-Mart should charge Massachusetts “lib babes” $1,000 per pill for emergency contraception Article 02/16/06 1:42 PM EST
Limbaugh suggested “the White House ought to schedule” next press briefing “at Fort Marcy Park” Video & Audio 02/16/06 10:25 AM EST
Limbaugh invented “racial component” to Hackett's decision to withdraw from Ohio primary race Video & Audio 02/15/06 7:18 PM EST
Limbaugh sub host claimed Obama-McCain incident shows “how Democrats treat African-Americans” officeholders: "[T]hey get put back on the plantation" Video & Audio 02/10/06 5:59 PM EST
Limbaugh “kind of like[s]” analogy that Obama “is the Donovan McNabb of the U.S. Senate” Article 02/09/06 6:37 PM EST
Media accused liberals of politicizing King funeral, ignored conservatives' use of Reagan funeral Article 02/09/06 4:01 PM EST