Top 12 media myths and falsehoods on the Bush administration's spying scandal Article 12/23/05 7:58 PM EST
In defense of secret wiretapping, Lowry falsely claimed that Gorelick testimony proved Clinton asserted “the same authority” as Bush Article 12/21/05 6:16 PM EST
Media conservatives wrongly claimed provisions in FISA authorized Bush's domestic spying Article 12/21/05 6:11 PM EST
Limbaugh falsely claimed, “There is no evidence that we could destroy ecosystems” Article 12/19/05 3:36 PM EST
Hayes, Limbaugh falsely cited 1998 bin Laden indictment as proof that Clinton administration had “connected” Iraq, Al Qaeda Article 12/13/05 2:11 PM EST
Wash. Times editorial, Limbaugh repeated Drudge's false claim that IAEA's ElBaradei said Iran only a “few months” from nuclear weapons Article 12/09/05 1:25 PM EST
Limbaugh repeated's false claim that McCain “admitted that torture worked on him” Article 12/09/05 12:01 PM EST
Limbaugh falsely suggested that “9-11 Commission didn't say anything about” torture Article 12/08/05 8:04 PM EST
Limbaugh: Murtha is “the biggest morale booster that the enemy has in Iraq” Video & Audio 12/05/05 1:48 PM EST
Media cited flawed poll to suggest Americans think Democratic criticism of Bush's Iraq policy hurts troop morale Article 11/30/05 5:11 PM EST