Limbaugh on federal judge who ordered Abu Ghraib photos released: He “has sided with our enemies of Al Qaeda” Video & Audio 10/05/05 11:20 AM EDT
MSNBC's Williams falsely suggested that conservative advocacy groups support Miers nomination Article 10/04/05 6:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh awarded free website subscription to caller who said liberalism is “rebellion against God” and who described Democratic leaders as “pimps” Video & Audio 10/04/05 1:50 PM EDT
Cheney to Limbaugh: Miers “has a conservative judicial philosophy that you would be comfortable with, Rush” Video & Audio 10/03/05 4:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh parroted DeLay's baseless claim that Democratic Party leaders conspired with Texas DA to indict DeLay Article 09/30/05 5:04 PM EDT
Fox News host, analyst, guest all ignored Texas law to falsely claim DeLay indictment based on weak evidence Article 09/30/05 3:09 PM EDT
Coulter on DeLay scandal: Reporters and liberals “want it to be against the law to be a Republican, and they would like us in Guantánamo” Video & Audio 09/29/05 1:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh, no holds barred: Sheehan “doesn't have the IQ of a pencil eraser” Video & Audio 09/29/05 12:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely suggested that Katrina tax relief would be directed toward those who don't pay taxes Article 09/26/05 12:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely attacked AP, Reuters for offering “more updates on Cindy Sheehan than we are getting on the hurricane” Article 09/23/05 7:28 PM EDT
Following NewsMax's lead, Limbaugh called Sheehan an “anti-American war protester” Video & Audio 09/23/05 6:41 PM EDT
Selectively quoting from Telegraph article, Limbaugh again misled on global warming Article 09/23/05 4:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed that Blair “pulled Great Britain out of the Kyoto Protocol” Article 09/20/05 7:24 PM EDT