What The Daily Wire gets wrong (and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets right) about algorithms and racism Article 01/24/19 12:38 PM EST
Fox host mocks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for highlighting 12-year deadline to prevent catastrophic climate change Video & Audio 01/23/19 11:54 AM EST
NRATV host: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “doesn’t have any mental capacity to actually reason” Video & Audio 01/23/19 10:24 AM EST
Sean Hannity brainstorms nicknames for Ocasio-Cortez including “O-crazy-o” and “O-scare-io” Video & Audio 01/22/19 6:56 PM EST
The Green New Deal drives conservatives nuts, so right-wing media is going on the attack Article 01/22/19 1:00 PM EST
Fox News contributor: Proposed Green New Deal is “enslavement, economic enslavement” Video & Audio 01/17/19 8:13 AM EST
In patently unethical move, CNN hires John Kasich even as he considers presidential bid Article 01/15/19 4:23 PM EST
With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the right-wing media playbook doesn't work Article 01/15/19 11:05 AM EST
Fox guest: Green New Deal is “nothing more than a socialist Trojan horse” Video & Audio 01/11/19 9:20 AM EST
EPA nominee Andrew Wheeler is gaming the media ahead of his confirmation hearing Article 01/10/19 1:53 PM EST
Facebook took advice from a far-right figure who blamed gay marriage for hurricanes Article 01/09/19 1:57 PM EST
CNN's Rick Santorum says Trump’s immigration address showed a “softer side” and was a “compassionate argument” Video & Audio 01/08/19 10:22 PM EST
Sean Hannity: Getting off fossil fuels would be an “unmitigated disaster” and would lead to poverty Video & Audio 01/08/19 5:08 PM EST
Watch Fox & Friends promote gas-guzzling vehicles to celebrate lower gasoline prices Video & Audio 01/04/19 9:25 AM EST
On Fox & Friends, climate denier attacks proposed Green New Deal: “Carbon-based fuels actually improve the environment” Video & Audio 01/03/19 8:04 AM EST
NBC's Meet the Press neglected climate change for years before dedicating an episode to it Article 01/02/19 4:12 PM EST