Hannity falsely claimed Moyers criticized him because he “dared to have an opinion” Article 05/31/05 1:31 PM EDT
NBC News advanced unsubstantiated claims of liberal bias in public broadcasting Article 05/26/05 4:22 PM EDT
O'Reilly attempted to minimize alleged Limbaugh doctor-shopping, despite likening OxyContin to heroin Article 05/03/05 6:10 PM EDT
Media continued to distort impact of Social Security means testing on middle class, working poor Article 05/02/05 6:03 PM EDT
Falwell, Gordon Robertson repeat false information on judicial nominations Article 04/28/05 1:01 PM EDT
Colson, Limbaugh mischaracterized Democratic opposition to Pryor, Brown nominations Article 04/26/05 6:20 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely suggested federal spending on environment equal to spending on defense, homeland security Article 04/25/05 5:15 PM EDT
Media Research Center honored Swift Boat Veterans for “courage” during the 2004 campaign Article 04/25/05 3:57 PM EDT
Waging war on Equal Pay Day: Limbaugh distorted wage gap between men and women Article 04/19/05 11:40 AM EDT
Wash. Times' McCaslin distorted comments by CNN president to claim he cast network as liberal Article 04/11/05 8:34 PM EDT
Dissecting a right-wing smear: How conservatives used trumped-up evidence to blame Democrats for Schiavo memo Article 04/07/05 6:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh shortchanged international relief and aid to Third World countries Article 04/06/05 11:50 AM EDT