Limbaugh falsely claimed attacks on Michael Schiavo have been “off limits” to the media Article 03/30/05 12:04 PM EST
Limbaugh on ANWR: “The wildlife that lives there wishes it didn't, but it's too stupid to figure out how to move anywhere” Article 03/17/05 1:42 PM EST
The American Enterprise promotes John O'Neill's continued attacks on Kerry Article 03/16/05 5:52 PM EST
Limbaugh mischaracterized NY Times report on looting at Iraq weapons facilities Article 03/15/05 4:48 PM EST
Limbaugh claimed Scarborough Country is top-rated show on MSNBC; it's not true Article 03/10/05 4:51 PM EST
Napolitano falsely claimed Florida prosecutors had no search warrant to seize Limbaugh's medical records Article 03/07/05 12:47 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Women still live longer than men because their lives are easier” Article 03/03/05 11:55 AM EST
In Afghanistan, Limbaugh lectured students on importance of “truth” in journalism Article 03/01/05 11:42 AM EST