Sean Hannity: “The fact is” the Trump Tower meeting was about adoptions Video & Audio 06/04/18 10:55 PM EDT
Fox's national security analyst Sebastian Gorka makes laughably false claim that all Mueller indictments “have nothing to do with Russia” Video & Audio 06/04/18 9:53 PM EDT
Fox News reportedly having difficulty selling ads for Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham’s shows: “The pro-Trump thing isn’t working" Article 06/04/18 9:07 PM EDT
Fox host defends taking immigrant children from parents because some of the kids may end up in MS-13 Video & Audio 06/04/18 6:37 PM EDT
Right-wing media’s latest pathetic attempts to smear Google as leftist radicals Article 06/04/18 4:59 PM EDT
Shep Smith excoriates the White House's web of lies surrounding Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer Video & Audio 06/04/18 3:54 PM EDT
Fox & Friends host claims it is “case law” that “a sitting president cannot be indicted” Article 06/04/18 8:11 AM EDT
Sunday shows ignore Puerto Rico amid new study that nearly 5,000 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria Article 06/03/18 2:02 PM EDT
On MSNBC's All In, Angelo Carusone explains the “insidious and damaging” nature of Sinclair's softball interviews with scandal-plagued Scott Pruitt Video & Audio 06/01/18 9:45 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Starbucks' anti-bias training is a racist attack on white people Video & Audio 06/01/18 8:35 PM EDT
Infowars livestreams a Planned Parenthood protest the day after the anniversary of Dr. Tiller's murder Article 06/01/18 12:41 PM EDT
Matt Schlapp endorses Trump abusing his pardon power to warn Mueller not to “go too far” Video & Audio 06/01/18 11:45 AM EDT
Fox & Friends ignores report that Trump pressured Sessions multiple times to “reclaim control of the Russia investigation” Article 06/01/18 11:05 AM EDT
Fox & Friends hosts Dinesh D'Souza grievance tour: Obama was “targeting me for selective prosecution” Video & Audio 06/01/18 8:07 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson and guest complain that you can “unleash the blizzard of ‘F’ and ‘C’ words” on conservatives but not minorities Video & Audio 05/31/18 9:09 PM EDT
Right-wing media praise, justify Trump's decision to pardon Dinesh D'Souza Article 05/31/18 5:38 PM EDT
Trump's newest national security staffer spread anti-Muslim sentiments and wrote that Bush was vindicated about Iraq having WMD Article 05/31/18 3:32 PM EDT