O'Reilly on the radio: “We believe that the people behind this lawsuit are on the left” Article 10/14/04 6:55 PM EDT
Krauthammer: "[W]e haven't had any discussion" of Kerry's anti-Vietnam testimony Article 10/13/04 10:33 PM EDT
Conservatives echoed Drudge's doctored quotation of Edwards on stem cell research Article 10/13/04 3:40 PM EDT
Distorting Duelfer: Limbaugh and O'Reilly misrepresented Duelfer report on Iraqi WMDs Article 10/12/04 2:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh claimed “John Kerry really doesn't think 3,000 Americans dead in one day is that big a deal” Article 10/12/04 12:57 PM EDT
NewsMax accused Dems of trying to steal election; Limbaugh, Novak have also advanced the theme Article 10/08/04 1:46 PM EDT
Barnes, Hume, and Limbaugh agree on a lie: “Bush had said that there was not an imminent threat” Article 09/30/04 9:43 PM EDT
Kerry got the time wrong; Cheney lied about Kerry on Iraq -- guess who got a free pass from the press Article 09/30/04 4:30 PM EDT
Limbaugh on the “religious character” of liberalism: "[T]he whole point of it is to make you feel better about yourself as you accomplish nothing" Article 09/29/04 2:22 PM EDT
Monkey see, monkey do: Conservatives echo Bush campaign's distortions of Kerry's “pessimistic” Iraq position Article 09/27/04 11:28 AM EDT
Networks allowed Bush to distort Kerry's position; right-wing media made it even worse Article 09/23/04 6:13 PM EDT
“Terrorists want Kerry”: The conservative mantra gains voices as it loses credibility Article 09/21/04 4:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Half of Kerry's political base “hates the military, hates America” Article 09/21/04 2:23 PM EDT