In some of Fox’s only coverage of apparent GOP election fraud in North Carolina, host attacks California election laws Article 12/05/18 12:52 PM EST
Fox News guest goes on bizarre rant against vegans: It's “an inversion of the natural order” Video & Audio 12/05/18 8:54 AM EST
Fox & Friends desperately clings to claim of no collusion after Mueller details Flynn's cooperation in sentencing memo Video & Audio 12/05/18 8:28 AM EST
Laura Ingraham compares Confederate statues to priceless antiquities and protesters to ISIS Video & Audio 12/04/18 10:53 PM EST
Laura Ingraham segment downplays Mike Flynn sentencing memo: “It’s kind of a dud” Video & Audio 12/04/18 10:44 PM EST
Fox Business host warns that Mueller investigation will lead to attempts “to lynch” all future presidents Video & Audio 12/04/18 9:41 PM EST
Sean Hannity says Mueller's sentencing guideline regarding Mike Flynn is disrespectful to the troops Video & Audio 12/04/18 9:38 PM EST
“You're dying, we're gonna replace you”: Tucker Carlson fearmongers about immigrants replacing Americans Video & Audio 12/04/18 9:30 PM EST
Lou Dobbs calls climate change a United Nations plot “to take over the world” Video & Audio 12/04/18 8:44 PM EST
This North Carolina TV station has been expertly covering local election fraud Article 12/04/18 4:28 PM EST
Trump elevated Charlie Kirk's false claim about French protesters chanting his name. That never happened. Article 12/04/18 3:58 PM EST
Fox News hasn’t mentioned possible election fraud in North Carolina for days. Here's what it covered instead. Article 12/04/18 12:55 PM EST
The media are still talking about the National Climate Assessment, and for that we can thank climate deniers Article 12/04/18 10:54 AM EST
Fox guest: Donating to migrants in the caravan is “aiding and abetting criminals on the border” Video & Audio 12/04/18 9:55 AM EST
Fox & Friends guest encourages a GOP government shutdown for Trump's border wall: “Shut down government” Video & Audio 12/04/18 7:50 AM EST
Fox Business host complains that people who rely on government programs don't feel enough shame Video & Audio 12/03/18 10:27 PM EST
On Fox Business, Sebastian Gorka calls the Democratic Party “fundamentally un-American” Video & Audio 12/03/18 8:55 PM EST