Climate change needs ever-increasing attention. It didn't get it from mainstream media in 2018. Article 12/26/18 9:00 AM EST
Pro-Trump CNN contributor goes on racist rant about “inner city” schools Video & Audio 12/19/18 12:55 PM EST
On Fox Business, climate science denier Marc Morano claims “you cannot distinguish” a human impact on the climate Video & Audio 12/17/18 2:21 PM EST
Brian Kilmeade on Paris protests: “It's amazing what happens to the enemies of Trump in Europe” Video & Audio 12/17/18 7:26 AM EST
Yes, The New York Times dropped the ball on covering the rise of right-wing extremism Article 12/13/18 5:13 PM EST
Fox correspondent falsely claims connection between carbon emissions and climate change “hasn't been proven” Video & Audio 12/11/18 12:28 PM EST
Chuck Todd falsely claims both parties engage in antidemocratic power grabs like the GOP did in Wisconsin. There’s no evidence of that. Article 12/10/18 1:33 PM EST
Here's what you need to know about the National Black Chamber of Commerce Article 12/05/18 5:53 PM EST
Fox News guest goes on bizarre rant against vegans: It's “an inversion of the natural order” Video & Audio 12/05/18 8:54 AM EST
Lou Dobbs calls climate change a United Nations plot “to take over the world” Video & Audio 12/04/18 8:44 PM EST
Fox News hasn’t mentioned possible election fraud in North Carolina for days. Here's what it covered instead. Article 12/04/18 12:55 PM EST
The media are still talking about the National Climate Assessment, and for that we can thank climate deniers Article 12/04/18 10:54 AM EST
On WNYC's On the Media, Lisa Hymas explains what the press got right and wrong in covering the National Climate Assessment Article 12/03/18 3:39 PM EST
NRATV host: Press coverage of school shootings contributes to “the wussification of America” Video & Audio 12/03/18 12:01 PM EST
Bernie Sanders is right: TV networks need to do a much better job of covering climate change Article 11/30/18 2:58 PM EST
Fox's Jeanine Pirro says that the real racists are asylum-seekers for trying to enter the United States Video & Audio 11/30/18 2:49 PM EST