Of all the Sunday shows, only Dana Bash on CNN asked a GOP senator about changes to 401(k) contributions Article 10/22/17 3:32 PM EDT
Right-wing media falsely call crucial ACA subsidies “bailouts” to defend Trump's decision to halt them Article 10/19/17 4:05 PM EDT
On Fox & Friends, Avik Roy and Steve Doocy say just about every wrong thing about the ACA Video & Audio 10/17/17 8:45 AM EDT
Fox & Friends host covers up Trump tax plan’s giveaway to the super rich Video & Audio 10/16/17 8:13 AM EDT
MSNBC hosts dismantle Trump's stock market lie as “nuts,” “pure garbage” and “absolutely incorrect” Video & Audio 10/12/17 12:33 PM EDT
CNN's Van Jones: “They are lying to the people” about the Clean Power Plan killing coal Video & Audio 10/10/17 10:43 AM EDT
After years of nitpicking Obama, Fox sees nothing to worry about in September jobs report Article 10/06/17 2:37 PM EDT
CNN's Acosta: If Congress investigated news outlets like Trump wants, then “we are something less than the United States of America” Video & Audio 10/05/17 4:54 PM EDT
Right-wing media promote Ed Gillespie’s anti-immigrant ad, which is based on conservative myths Article 10/04/17 12:01 PM EDT
Even Fox’s Chris Wallace is pointing out “there is no evidence tax cuts pay for themselves” Video & Audio 10/01/17 11:51 AM EDT
Economist Jeffrey Sachs slams Trump's “unbelievable” and “shambolic” tax agenda Video & Audio 09/28/17 10:15 AM EDT
MSNBC hosts offer a perfect cable news template for covering Trump’s tax cut charade Article 09/27/17 5:36 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: “I never got a job from a poor person ... I only work for rich people” Video & Audio 09/27/17 4:58 PM EDT
Local TV coverage of Graham-Cassidy largely overlooked some of its scariest flaws Article 09/26/17 1:15 PM EDT
Charles Gasparino: The middle class doesn't pay a lot of tax, so we should cut taxes for the rich Video & Audio 09/22/17 6:23 PM EDT
How GOP leaders are using TV to misinform the public about the potential health care repeal Article 09/22/17 4:13 PM EDT
Fox host: “All of Obamacare is immoral. All of Obamacare has resulted in human suffering” Video & Audio 09/21/17 1:23 PM EDT