MSNBC's First Look highlights how Fox News exploited the migrant caravan in the lead-up to the midterms, then immediately forgot about it Video & Audio 11/14/18 3:34 PM EST
Despite admitted trouble with advertisers, 21st Century Fox co-chairman Lachlan Murdoch tells shareholders he's “proud” of Fox News Video & Audio 11/14/18 3:22 PM EST
Fox News president says his network “supports CNN,” but Fox News personalities have been attacking CNN and Jim Acosta on air Article 11/14/18 1:32 PM EST
On Fox & Friends, potential new DHS secretary Thomas Homan praises Fox for pushing out Trump's message Video & Audio 11/14/18 7:54 AM EST
Right-wing media and Trump Jr. peddle debunked, years-old story about illegal voters in Florida Article 11/13/18 5:36 PM EST
Sean Hannity claims Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is lying about not being able to afford a D.C. apartment Video & Audio 11/13/18 5:26 PM EST
Fox & Friends hosts former Ohio secretary of state with own track record of voter suppression to complain about Florida recounts Article 11/13/18 12:01 PM EST
Mike Huckabee pushes bogus claim that Florida election officials are attempting to “swing an election” Video & Audio 11/13/18 8:10 AM EST
Sean Hannity attacks Michelle Obama because she criticized Trump’s racist birther lies Video & Audio 11/09/18 10:35 PM EST
Sean Hannity says efforts to count all Florida votes “purposefully violated the federal law and Florida state law" Video & Audio 11/09/18 4:13 PM EST
Just days after Democrats retake the House, conservative commentators insist that they’re doing it all wrong Article 11/09/18 2:57 PM EST
Leading members of Trump’s Fox cabinet support Jim Jordan’s House GOP leader bid Article 11/09/18 12:57 PM EST
Fox's Jeanine Pirro suggests both that there were “more votes than people” in Florida and that a “truckload” of ballots were destroyed Video & Audio 11/09/18 10:54 AM EST
Matt Schlapp: Gillum's call to “count every vote” means “count the votes of people who are not legally allowed to vote” Video & Audio 11/09/18 10:35 AM EST
Fox regular says Stacey Abrams “should be gracious in ... defeat,” even though votes are still being counted in Georgia Video & Audio 11/09/18 9:01 AM EST