Has The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes not been paying attention for the last ten years? Article 09/16/10 1:46 PM EDT
Right-wing civil war: Bloggers admit AM nut Mark Levin can't tell the truth Article 09/16/10 8:50 AM EDT
“Mike Castle is over. Christine O'Donnell is now”: The making of a Fox News candidate Article 09/15/10 4:56 PM EDT
“I think you're an ass”: Conservative media finally discover their colleagues are frauds Article 09/15/10 4:02 PM EDT
Conservative radio station polls listeners on whether the U.S. should “register” Muslims in a “national database” during “a time of war” Article 09/01/10 12:32 PM EDT
Levin says Obama voters “voted to destroy the future of your children and grandchildren” Video & Audio 08/25/10 9:54 AM EDT
Levin calls the UN “the most pathetic, backwards, genocide encouraging organization” Video & Audio 08/25/10 9:51 AM EDT
FoxPAC: Fox News' Ingraham to raise money for Alaska GOP senate candidate Article 08/16/10 7:32 PM EDT
Levin criticizes the media for failing to identify Flint stabbing suspect Abuelazam as an “Arab” Video & Audio 08/16/10 4:17 PM EDT
The right-wing race-baiting revue: Schlessinger's rant is just the latest act Article 08/13/10 8:05 PM EDT
Levin: “Clinton used to pander to the Jews in New York so she could get elected” Video & Audio 08/11/10 3:57 PM EDT
Citing federal debt, Levin says “Obama has abused more children” than any other president Video & Audio 08/11/10 3:31 PM EDT
Fox's Charles Payne says MO health care vote is “akin to” man who stood in front of Tiananmen Square tank Video & Audio 08/07/10 11:41 AM EDT
Levin: “Kagan does not believe in the United States Constitution as written” Video & Audio 08/06/10 10:34 AM EDT
Levin: “Every senator” who voted for Kagan “does not believe in the Constitution” Video & Audio 08/06/10 10:16 AM EDT