Sebastian Gorka says Hillary Clinton should be convicted of treason like the Rosenbergs: “Those people got the chair” Video & Audio 10/26/17 10:28 PM EDT
Fox & Friends: Media conspire to publish negative Trump stories whenever he “gets on a roll” Video & Audio 10/26/17 9:03 AM EDT
Citing Media Matters, MSNBC's Chris Hayes outlines conservative media's “alternate universe” surrounding Uranium One deal Video & Audio 10/25/17 10:14 PM EDT
Rush Limbaugh: “Trump now has more justification than ever” for firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller Video & Audio 10/25/17 7:09 PM EDT
How Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity's ginned-up Hillary Clinton uranium story became a congressional investigation Article 10/24/17 5:52 PM EDT
On The Bill Press Show, Media Matters' Matt Gertz explains how Laura Ingraham will impact Fox's prime-time lineup Video & Audio 10/20/17 5:17 PM EDT
Sinclair-owned stations give platform to serial misinformer Peter Schweizer of Breitbart Article 10/20/17 11:06 AM EDT
Roy Moore paying big money to companies headed by shady consultant called out by Laura Ingraham Article 10/20/17 11:00 AM EDT
Fox News' new prime-time lineup prepares to remake the GOP in Trump's image Article 10/17/17 9:03 AM EDT
On Fox & Friends, Avik Roy and Steve Doocy say just about every wrong thing about the ACA Video & Audio 10/17/17 8:45 AM EDT
MSNBC anchor: How can Steve Bannon whine about “the establishment” while he's funded by billionaires? Video & Audio 10/16/17 10:59 AM EDT
Bannon decries ridicule of Trump, demands personal loyalty of all GOP senators Article 10/14/17 4:11 PM EDT
On Fox News, former Trump adviser claimed he, Steve Bannon, and Trump wanted to scuttle Iran deal months ago Video & Audio 10/11/17 4:45 PM EDT
What men's rights activists and other “anti-feminist” men have in common with white supremacists Article 10/09/17 9:01 AM EDT
Fox News and CNN have not yet covered BuzzFeed report that Bannon gave editorial control of Breitbart to neo-Nazis Video & Audio 10/08/17 4:15 PM EDT
Sunday political talk shows completely ignored Trump White House officials' use of private email accounts Article 10/01/17 3:39 PM EDT