Sinclair “must run” segment lets Trump official mislead about health care coverage Video & Audio 09/20/17 11:50 AM EDT
CNN's Stephen Moore thinks pre-existing conditions can be covered with “some kind of special fund” so other people don't have to pay Video & Audio 09/19/17 6:16 PM EDT
Hannity pleads for Trump to cut taxes on the rich so they can buy boats and stimulate the economy Video & Audio 09/14/17 5:44 PM EDT
Media Matters' Cristina López discusses with Bill Press how right-wing media lies became Trump's excuse to rescind DACA Video & Audio 09/14/17 3:29 PM EDT
Breitbart keeps running “articles” touting Job Creators Network, a Mercer-backed lobbying group that's also an advertiser Article 09/14/17 12:29 PM EDT
MSNBC’s Velshi and Ruhle: Neither “legitimate economists” nor “recent history” back up ideas behind Trump’s tax plan Video & Audio 09/13/17 12:50 PM EDT
Roger Stone: It’s possible White House chief of staff John Kelly is having Trump drugged Video & Audio 09/11/17 4:43 PM EDT
On 60 Minutes, Steve Bannon denies immigrants' role in building America and says they should “self-deport” Video & Audio 09/10/17 8:31 PM EDT
After short-term debt ceiling agreement, media figures and outlets declare Trump is more “independent” than Republican Article 09/10/17 3:49 PM EDT
Fox's Gillian Turner: Trump had a “strategic victory” because he showed “that he can make a deal” Video & Audio 09/10/17 10:57 AM EDT
Fox & Friends lauds Trump's debt limit, spending concession to Democrats as “the art of the deal” Video & Audio 09/07/17 8:47 AM EDT
Anti-immigrant hate group leader gets taught a lesson on the economic advantages of immigration Video & Audio 09/05/17 5:27 PM EDT
In honor of Labor Day, Fox & Friends let an obscure acupuncturist lie about raising the minimum wage Article 09/05/17 1:51 PM EDT
On MSNBC, economist Jared Bernstein dismantles Trump administration excuses for ending DACA Video & Audio 09/05/17 1:03 PM EDT
MSNBC's Hallie Jackson shoots down Breitbart's Kris Kobach for calling DACA recipients criminals Video & Audio 09/05/17 12:23 PM EDT
CNN's Rick Santorum pushes discredited myth linking immigration to wage stagnation Video & Audio 09/03/17 1:56 PM EDT
Long-debunked lie that George Soros was a Nazi collaborator resurfaces thanks to Dinesh D’Souza Article 09/01/17 4:38 PM EDT