A Trump campaign propaganda video features Fox hosts interviewing a Fox contributor Article 09/03/19 3:48 PM EDT
The NY Times’ 1619 Project discusses slavery’s impact on American society. Conservatives are not happy. Article 08/19/19 1:38 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson follows the Fox News tradition of taking a sudden vacation when facing criticism Article 08/09/19 12:55 PM EDT
Fox host defends private health insurance system: “Only 27 million Americans do not have health insurance” Video & Audio 07/31/19 5:46 PM EDT
Before Trump adopted it, the “AOC plus 3” branding was popularized by Laura Ingraham and Fox News Article 07/23/19 4:18 PM EDT
Hannity on racist Trump rally chant: “I don't think they were saying ‘send her back’ as much as they're saying, ‘These views are repugnant’” Video & Audio 07/18/19 10:12 PM EDT
Jesse Watters responds “So what?” to Black co-host telling him the “send her back” Trump rally chant was offensive Video & Audio 07/18/19 5:45 PM EDT
Fox's Kennedy: The “difference” between Trump's criticisms of the U.S. and Reps. Omar and Tlaib is they want “to bring down the entire structure” Video & Audio 07/18/19 2:14 PM EDT
Fox's Jesse Watters compares Trump rally “send her back” chant aimed at Rep. Ilhan Omar to chants at a football game Video & Audio 07/18/19 9:06 AM EDT
Fox News wants to keep politics out of sports -- liberal politics, anyway Article 07/18/19 9:00 AM EDT
Fox host: Trump's tweets weren't racist -- they were “about patriotism” Video & Audio 07/15/19 5:36 PM EDT
Fox’s Jesse Watters: The U.S. Women’s National soccer team is “unpatriotic” Video & Audio 07/10/19 9:53 PM EDT
Fox's Jesse Watters: “Just because people had slaves during the founding doesn't mean we were founded on slavery and white supremacy” Video & Audio 07/10/19 5:45 PM EDT
The Trump administration is detaining migrants in horrid conditions. Fox News is trying to dismiss concerns by attacking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Article 07/09/19 8:58 AM EDT