Laura Ingraham attacks the media for not fearmongering over the migrant caravan Video & Audio 10/22/18 10:59 PM EDT
CNN's Don Lemon calls out Fox News for repeating migrant caravan lies Shep Smith debunked Video & Audio 10/22/18 10:37 PM EDT
Lou Dobbs and Tom Fitton claim “radical Islamist terrorists” are part of the migrant caravan Video & Audio 10/22/18 9:00 PM EDT
Jake Tapper fact checks Trump's fearmongering about migrant caravan: “The president's spreading falsehoods in rapid fashion” Video & Audio 10/22/18 5:01 PM EDT
Shep Smith shuts down fearmongering claims about migrant caravan pushed by his Fox colleagues and Trump Video & Audio 10/22/18 4:22 PM EDT
Angelo Carusone and Sam Seder discuss how the Proud Boys serve as a gateway between the men's rights movement and white nationalists Video & Audio 10/22/18 3:47 PM EDT
Fox host: People are joining migrant caravan because they have “FOMO” Video & Audio 10/22/18 1:03 PM EDT
Trump runs with absurd right-wing media lie about terrorists infiltrating the migrant caravan Article 10/22/18 11:12 AM EDT
CNN host calls out Matt Schlapp for “fearmongering” about migrant caravan as “marauding bands” of invaders Video & Audio 10/22/18 10:36 AM EDT
Fox host pushes admittedly unverified claim that “over a hundred ISIS fighters” have been arrested in Guatemala trying to cross into US Video & Audio 10/22/18 9:01 AM EDT
Brian Kilmeade pushes lie that “90 percent” of undocumented immigrants under electronic monitoring “cut” ankle bracelets Video & Audio 10/22/18 7:49 AM EDT
Fox News downplays Khashoggi's murder: “Saudi Arabia is one of the safest places to be a journalist in the world” Article 10/20/18 2:20 PM EDT
Fox's Newt Gingrich warns that civilization will end if migrant caravan is allowed to cross the border Video & Audio 10/19/18 10:43 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson calls worldwide outrage over Jamal Khashoggi's murder “a stunt ... hyped and manufactured” Video & Audio 10/19/18 8:46 PM EDT
Lou Dobbs guest justifies Proud Boy assaults in New York by calling the victims terrorists Video & Audio 10/19/18 8:21 PM EDT
CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump by claiming he was only praising assault in general, not assault on reporters Video & Audio 10/19/18 5:27 PM EDT
Fox guest says Trump's assertion that assaulting reporters helps Republicans win elections was “just bad timing” Video & Audio 10/19/18 5:05 PM EDT
NRATV correspondent: Migrant caravan is “an invasion under the guise of migration” Video & Audio 10/19/18 2:13 PM EDT