Levin guest Ed Whelan: Judge did not see fit to disclose that he is gay to Prop 8 parties Video & Audio 08/05/10 4:38 PM EDT
Mark Levine shreds Fox arguments on Missouri health care ballot initiative Video & Audio 08/05/10 2:27 PM EDT
Levin: “Federalism is dead,” the Constitution is “in its last breath throes,” and “we are living in a soft tyranny” Video & Audio 08/03/10 1:56 PM EDT
Levin defends Beck against Milbank's “effort to silence people,” calls Milbank “a nut” Video & Audio 08/03/10 12:50 PM EDT
Levin: “That is Joy Behar who I believe is a guy dressed up as a woman...I think her name really is Joe Behar” Video & Audio 07/30/10 12:21 PM EDT
Levin: America is “not a representative republic anymore. It is a soft tyranny” Video & Audio 07/29/10 4:13 PM EDT
Levin accuses Obama administration, Sen. Menendez of “race-baiting,” “pander[ing] to specific ethnic groups” Video & Audio 07/29/10 3:03 PM EDT
Levin: “This country's becoming Balkanized” because “the left” “want to change the citizenry to accommodate their schemes” Video & Audio 07/29/10 2:38 PM EDT
Still digging: Conservatives won't let up barrage of attacks on Shirley Sherrod Article 07/27/10 4:49 PM EDT
Levin: “Race-baiting was laced throughout the entire [Sherrod] video” Video & Audio 07/27/10 3:37 PM EDT
Levin: Shirley Sherrod is “not only a race-baiter, she's an idiot” Video & Audio 07/26/10 4:29 PM EDT
MRC's Bozell still accusing Sherrod of “inserting racism into the debate” Video & Audio 07/22/10 10:21 AM EDT
Levin: Tea Party had been “tormented and abused far more that the colonists were by the King of England” Video & Audio 07/20/10 12:07 PM EDT
Hannity uses Fox News to fulfill reported behind-the-scenes promise to promote House candidate Article 07/17/10 5:33 PM EDT
In falsehood-laden rant, Levin declares: “Any Republican who votes for” Kagan “is voting ... for tyranny” Video & Audio 07/15/10 12:22 AM EDT