Sean Hannity: A one-week delay in Kavanaugh vote means that “another 15 people can be brought up by Democratic operatives” Video & Audio 09/28/18 4:25 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham: “I think it could easily as well turn out to be the year of the man” after Kavanaugh hearings Video & Audio 09/28/18 10:19 AM EDT
CNN panel calls out Brett Kavanaugh's “baldly partisan” testimony Video & Audio 09/28/18 10:09 AM EDT
Geraldo Rivera: Christine Blasey Ford's report of sexual assault against Kavanaugh was used in an “attempted coup” by Democrats Video & Audio 09/28/18 9:17 AM EDT
Fox & Friends praises Kavanaugh for his unhinged testimony: “He channeled Trump” Video & Audio 09/28/18 9:09 AM EDT
Newt Gingrich: Brett Kavanaugh is “fighting for more than” his life, “he's fighting for the United States” Video & Audio 09/28/18 8:07 AM EDT
Fox & Friends guest: Senate Democrats put Kavanaugh through “torture” Video & Audio 09/28/18 8:02 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham guest Joe diGenova calls Christine Blasey Ford “a deeply troubled person,” with "a history of psychological discord” Video & Audio 09/27/18 10:41 PM EDT
Fox Business guest on Christine Blasey Ford: “She was far from being raped ... It was all a fumbled attempt to make out with a girl at a party” Video & Audio 09/27/18 2:17 PM EDT
Fox anchors: Brett Kavanaugh should argue that he's not guilty just because he's “a white guy” Video & Audio 09/27/18 2:14 PM EDT
Chuck Todd: Democrats “would have more credibility” in Christine Blasey Ford hearing if they weren't “coming across as a support group” Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:46 PM EDT
What Fox is telling Trump about Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh's hearing Article 09/27/18 12:43 PM EDT
Fox's Chris Wallace: The prosecutor questioning Christine Blasey Ford “has so far not landed a glove” on her Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:42 PM EDT
Fox's Napolitano: Kavanaugh should act with the “righteous indignation of Clarence Thomas” during the hearing Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:33 PM EDT
How right-wing media are attacking Christine Blasey Ford's Senate testimony Article 09/27/18 12:02 PM EDT