Fox News and Russian state media are promoting a conspiracy theorist's California secessionist ploy Article 01/17/18 5:41 PM EST
Local Arizona TV news failed to inform viewers about Joe Arpaio's extremist history Article 01/17/18 4:49 PM EST
Black Lives Matter co-founder: “The first time we were called terrorists, I remember seeing our names on Bill O’Reilly’s show” Video & Audio 01/17/18 2:05 PM EST
On Fox & Friends, Kris Kobach pushes study from discredited figure to claim Dreamers are prone to violence Article 01/17/18 12:41 PM EST
Sebastian Gorka repeatedly bragged about how effective he and Steve Bannon would be outside the White House Article 01/16/18 10:59 AM EST
On HLN's Across America with Carol Costello, Angelo Carusone notes that Trump isn't just tweeting about Fox News, he's also making decisions based on it Article 01/15/18 1:31 PM EST
Fox's Howard Kurtz thinks Trump's “shithole” controversy is about “bad language” instead of racism Video & Audio 01/14/18 1:11 PM EST
Fox Business host: Welfare is a “trap” for single moms because they decide they get more from government than work Video & Audio 01/12/18 5:38 PM EST
Meet Peter Imanuelsen, aka Peter Sweden, the bigoted conspiracy theorist who is a frequent source for the American “alt-right” on Europe Article 01/12/18 5:12 PM EST
CNN's Jake Tapper: Trump's “shithole” comments thrilled white supremacists and neo-Nazis Video & Audio 01/12/18 4:44 PM EST
Here are the right-wing media figures defending Trump’s racist “shithole” comment Article 01/12/18 2:15 PM EST
Matt Schlapp defends Trump's “shithole” remarks: “I don't know anybody who spent two weeks on the beach in Haiti” Video & Audio 01/12/18 10:49 AM EST
Ben Shapiro suggests the problem with Trump's racist “shithole” remarks is that he used a curse word Video & Audio 01/12/18 10:11 AM EST
Fox & Friends' Doocy complains that “everybody's talking about” Trump's racist “shithole” remarks Video & Audio 01/12/18 7:51 AM EST
James Clapper: “I just hope nobody on Fox & Friends tells [Trump] to go bomb North Korea” Video & Audio 01/11/18 10:25 PM EST
MSNBC's Joy Reid: My parents are immigrants from what the president called “shithole countries” Video & Audio 01/11/18 9:38 PM EST