Fox is behind Trump’s conspiracy theory that doctors are inflating the coronavirus death count to make money Article 10/31/20 4:17 PM EDT
Fox Trumpists: If you can’t beat Joe Biden with Hunter Biden allegations, impeach him Article 10/30/20 10:25 AM EDT
Fox News’ own reporting confirmed that Trump calls troops “suckers” and “losers.” Now it says Biden is using “refuted” story in TV ad. Article 10/29/20 5:47 PM EDT
Cable news overwhelmingly adopts conservative, pro-Big Oil framing of Biden's debate comments about transitioning away from oil Research/Study 10/29/20 3:45 PM EDT
Sean Hannity hyped massive Trump rallies that have been linked to COVID-19 outbreaks Article 10/28/20 1:27 PM EDT
The Murdochs’ desperate final push to use Hunter Biden to reelect Donald Trump Article 10/28/20 12:51 PM EDT
Militia leader Stewart Rhodes says that his group will be at polling locations and is ready to kill Democrats Article 10/28/20 11:29 AM EDT
Fox News’ White House correspondent runs Trump’s false claim about election laws, doesn’t correct it Article 10/27/20 5:42 PM EDT
Trump has dictated her loyalty but right-wing media demands Justice Barrett refuse to recuse Article 10/27/20 5:39 PM EDT
Trump's closing pitch is based on an avalanche of lies, and he's hoping media help spread them Article 10/27/20 10:30 AM EDT
Right-wing media twist the facts to defend Trump’s child separation policy that lost track of 545 migrant children's families Article 10/27/20 9:19 AM EDT
Right-wing media push Trump campaign’s false claim of a Biden “gaffe” — and NBC News falls for it Article 10/26/20 3:05 PM EDT
Local news stations' Facebook pages downplayed coronavirus concerns at recent Trump rallies Article 10/26/20 7:17 AM EDT
Amid spiking virus cases, Fox host accuses Joe Biden of virtue signaling for not holding large rallies Article 10/25/20 11:31 AM EDT