Conservative media downplay the Trump administration's unprecedented stonewalling of congressional oversight Article 05/14/19 11:06 AM EDT
Right-wing media lash out over Bill Nye’s Last Week Tonight call to action on climate change Article 05/13/19 8:49 PM EDT
Fox host: Democrats protect Rep. Omar because they want “to protect the ability of the left to traffic in anti-Semitism" Video & Audio 05/08/19 6:12 PM EDT
Trump has referenced Fox News in 43% of his recent tweets about Mueller Article 05/01/19 11:52 AM EDT
Juan Williams’ heartfelt plea to Fox colleagues on the growing white nationalist threat is met with lies and derision Article 04/29/19 6:49 PM EDT
With the Mueller investigation over, conservative media declare it’s time to investigate the investigators Article 04/24/19 10:48 AM EDT
Six weeks of Fox's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez obsession: “Totalitarian,” “ignorant,” “scary,” and waging a “war on cows” Article 04/12/19 10:00 AM EDT
Fox News discussed the Green New Deal more often than CNN and MSNBC combined Research/Study 04/09/19 12:19 PM EDT
Fox's Diamond and Silk: “With the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit” Video & Audio 04/05/19 8:15 AM EDT
Fox’s Jesse Watters: “You can fight climate change with suntan lotion. It's not that big of a deal" Video & Audio 04/04/19 10:30 PM EDT
After Mueller's report, Fox host demands investigation of the Obama administration: "The most corrupt administration since Richard Nixon” Video & Audio 03/25/19 6:14 PM EDT
Sean Hannity suggests people didn’t vote for Trump because “pee tape” rumors. The Steele dossier wasn’t released until months after the election. Article 03/19/19 5:37 PM EDT
Fox News tried to quietly pull Jeanine Pirro's show from its weekly Saturday night slot. It didn’t work. Article 03/17/19 11:42 AM EDT
Fox host: Bernie Sanders doesn't love America because he wants to “fundamentally transform it,” and is “trying to make America into Cuba” Video & Audio 03/04/19 5:50 PM EST
“Puppet master”: Fox's Jesse Watters uses anti-Semitic trope to describe Michael Cohen attorney Lanny Davis Video & Audio 03/01/19 9:41 AM EST
Fox News panel descends into chaos and threats immediately following Cohen testimony Video & Audio 02/27/19 6:22 PM EST
Fox figures continue to smear Kamala Harris for The Breakfast Club interview after hosts debunk claim Article 02/15/19 2:33 PM EST