Fox's Jesse Watters brings up reporter's past substance abuse issues to discredit negative Trump story Video & Audio 01/18/19 7:10 PM EST
Fox host: Gillette ad targeting toxic masculinity “bashed men, men who fought wars, who build bridges” Video & Audio 01/15/19 6:13 PM EST
Fox host says it’s “disingenuous” to point out government workers aren’t getting paid during the shutdown Video & Audio 01/09/19 6:00 PM EST
Fox & Friends guest: Food stamp recipients are “watching porn” and “watching TV” instead of working Video & Audio 01/02/19 9:09 AM EST
Fox News uses award shows to reinforce the idea that pop culture exists to marginalize conservatives Article 12/20/18 10:10 AM EST
Fox host repeats Trump's lie that disease-ridden terrorists are coming over the border Video & Audio 12/11/18 6:21 PM EST
God help me, I’ve watched 10 hours of Fox Nation. Here's what I learned. Article 11/29/18 1:33 PM EST
Claim that 80 percent of migrants in caravan are “military-aged” men can be traced back to a Fox News contributor Article 10/30/18 12:30 PM EDT
Fox segment descends into chaos when Juan Williams mentions Trump's violent rhetoric may have repercussions Video & Audio 10/24/18 7:11 PM EDT
Jeanine Pirro: “Every woman in America who has been a victim of a sexual assault remembers more than Christine Blasey Ford” Video & Audio 10/03/18 6:35 PM EDT
Fox host attacks #MeToo movement, says we have been “coerced to simply believe a woman because of her gender” Video & Audio 09/24/18 6:05 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: Rod Rosenstein is leading a silent coup against Trump Video & Audio 09/21/18 9:48 PM EDT
Here are the conservative media outlets and figures pushing the outlandish theory that Christine Blasey Ford misidentified her attacker Article 09/21/18 2:20 PM EDT
Fox host: Christine Blasey Ford is not “doing things in a way that people would do if she was a true victim” Video & Audio 09/19/18 5:51 PM EDT