Laura Ingraham: “If he sells us out on immigration, Donald Trump will not be reelected president of the United States” Video & Audio 01/04/18 10:56 PM EST
Angelo Carusone: Advertisers see “aligning their brand with Hannity as actually the functional equivalent of giving a political donation to Trump” Article 01/04/18 10:38 PM EST
Roger Stone tells Fox News that Steve Bannon's reported comments criticizing Trump represent a “stunning act of betrayal” Video & Audio 01/04/18 8:52 PM EST
Hannity denies that he gave Trump questions in advance. Here are the questions he asked. Article 01/04/18 1:37 PM EST
Fox anchor calls a seemingly forced kiss a “hot pursuit,” even after a host points out that it was unwanted Article 01/04/18 10:06 AM EST
John Bolton calls for US intervention in Iran: “We need to bring that regime down” Video & Audio 01/04/18 10:05 AM EST
Fox News contributor: “Illegal immigrants are burglars, are thieves who are there to harm your security and steal your prosperity” Video & Audio 01/04/18 8:05 AM EST
Tucker Carlson blames articles about white privilege for people embracing white nationalism Video & Audio 01/03/18 8:54 PM EST
Following a bombshell report, Fox News is desperately clinging to their alternate reality about the Russia investigation Article 01/03/18 5:56 PM EST
Right-wing media launch racist attacks on the Russia investigation grand jury, say it looks like “a Bernie Sanders rally” Article 01/03/18 11:26 AM EST
Fox's Brian Kilmeade tells female co-host that he has “long been a proponent of deltoid exposure” Video & Audio 01/03/18 7:15 AM EST
Laura Ingraham criticizes actresses who are “flaunting their bodies” while also fighting sexual harassment Video & Audio 01/02/18 10:56 PM EST
Tucker Carlson compares California Governor Jerry Brown to segregationist Governor George Wallace Video & Audio 01/02/18 8:40 PM EST
Fox News reported on proposed monument to black South Carolina Confederates. There actually were none. Video & Audio 01/02/18 4:53 PM EST
Fox News report on Colorado gunman ignores his white supremacist connections Article 01/02/18 11:51 AM EST