Fox & Friends lets Ivanka Trump shill for the GOP tax bill without asking her about the provisions she'll directly benefit from Article 12/18/17 2:28 PM EST
On The Bill Press Show, Matt Gertz explains how Trump's FCC is helping Rupert Murdoch become more powerful Video & Audio 12/18/17 12:49 PM EST
The latest Trump propaganda segments running on local news, courtesy of Sinclair Broadcast Group Article 12/18/17 9:30 AM EST
Sebastian Gorka: Trump's speech is different from Obama's because “it's going to be delivered by a man that loves this country” Video & Audio 12/18/17 8:42 AM EST
Fox & Friends host outraged that Mueller legally obtained all Trump transition emails Video & Audio 12/18/17 8:22 AM EST
As multiple Fox News figures suggest the FBI is corrupt, Chris Wallace says that no one is attacking the FBI as an institution Article 12/17/17 5:14 PM EST
Tamara Holder describes her sexual assault by a Fox News executive: “Fox News ruined people's lives. [Rupert Murdoch] ruined my life” Video & Audio 12/17/17 12:50 PM EST
CNN's Brian Stelter explains how right-wing media's “anti-Mueller, anti-FBI feedback loop” with Trump works Video & Audio 12/17/17 12:00 PM EST
Report: Women at Fox News are “stunned” and “disgusted” after Rupert Murdoch's dismissal of sexual misconduct at the network Article 12/15/17 7:38 PM EST
Pruitt’s war on the press continues as EPA hires firm to create media-tracking “war room” Article 12/15/17 5:19 PM EST
Gabriel Sherman: Murdoch's dismissal of sexual harassment at Fox shows he doesn't care about workplace culture Video & Audio 12/15/17 3:41 PM EST
Fox's Geraldo Rivera falsely claims visa lottery recipients are “absolutely unvetted” Video & Audio 12/15/17 10:00 AM EST
Tucker Carlson agrees with guest that rape culture is “predictable” because we teach sex education in public institutions Video & Audio 12/14/17 9:39 PM EST
Rupert Murdoch says Fox News harassment stopped with Roger Ailes. He couldn't be more wrong. Article 12/14/17 6:07 PM EST