As Trump separates migrant families and 1,500 kids are missing, three Sunday shows ignored immigration entirely Article 05/27/18 2:03 PM EDT
Fox News guest says that the only problem with missing 1,500 immigrant children is that America can't deport them Video & Audio 05/27/18 11:20 AM EDT
Fox News host attacks Steve Kerr for criticizing NFL policy forcing players to stand during national anthem Video & Audio 05/25/18 5:51 PM EDT
10 people were killed in the Santa Fe shooting. Cable news moved on almost immediately. Research/Study 05/25/18 2:01 PM EDT
Anthony Scaramucci: “It's almost like” Democrats “support MS-13, Hamas, and now ... Chairman Kim” Video & Audio 05/25/18 8:42 AM EDT
Pro-Trump pundit Steve Cortes says he went “to CNN partly at the suggestion of the White House itself and the president himself" Article 05/24/18 1:50 PM EDT
On Fox, Wash. Times' Charlie Hurt claims letter canceling the meeting with Kim Jong Un will “strengthen Trump's hand” Video & Audio 05/24/18 12:37 PM EDT
Black man's work, white man's credit: Fox’s Stuart Varney credits Trump for an Obama-era economic trend Article 05/24/18 11:27 AM EDT
On Rising Up with Sonali, Media Matters’ Sharon Kann talks about study on cable news abortion coverage Article 05/24/18 11:23 AM EDT
After Trump cancels North Korea summit, Alan Dershowitz “won't second-guess our president when it comes to negotiating” Video & Audio 05/24/18 10:59 AM EDT
ICE director again retreats to Fox & Friends to garner sympathy for his agency's demonization of immigrants Article 05/24/18 10:02 AM EDT
On Fox, Trump campaign manager and RNC chairwoman make debunked claims about conservative censorship on social media Video & Audio 05/24/18 8:31 AM EDT
CNN conservative commentator: Trump's “spy-gate” is a “repeat of birtherism. It's a repeat of the whole idea of the rigged election and voter fraud.” Video & Audio 05/23/18 5:15 PM EDT
Fox News added more female hosts but still had the same abortion misinformation problem Article 05/23/18 4:09 PM EDT
Alex Jones dons a clown mask and makes anti-gay comments while ranting about Rep. Eric Swalwell Article 05/23/18 12:49 PM EDT
Fox & Friends is scandalizing the counterintelligence investigations of people Trump chose to hire Article 05/23/18 12:36 PM EDT
In the wake of mass shootings at schools, conservatives blame everything but guns Article 05/23/18 10:46 AM EDT