The laughable right-wing effort to compare Rep. Bowman to January 6 insurrectionists Article 10/01/23 3:42 PM EDT
Fox personalities and other conservatives savage Fox Business’ GOP presidential debate Research/Study 09/29/23 2:35 PM EDT
A judge ruled that Trump committed fraud for decades. The right’s response shows why he’s running away with the primary. Article 09/28/23 1:54 PM EDT
On his radio show, Fox News host Mark Levin promotes Tucker Carlson’s counterprogramming of the GOP debate set to air on Fox Video & Audio 09/27/23 1:19 PM EDT
Fox host Mark Levin on Trump's growing legal troubles: “Isn't it amazing to you that he never wins a case? Is it because he's just wrong all the time?” Video & Audio 09/27/23 12:40 PM EDT
Fox News is finally getting the Joe Biden impeachment they demanded before he was even inaugurated Research/Study 09/27/23 9:34 AM EDT
Some Fox figures pretend the GOP is suddenly pro-union amid UAW strike Research/Study 09/26/23 10:06 AM EDT
Conservative media figures clash as another Republican-led government shutdown looms Research/Study 09/25/23 4:46 PM EDT
Right-wing media move the goal posts on their Ray Epps conspiracy theories after he’s charged for January 6 Narrative/Timeline 09/21/23 3:58 PM EDT
“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander: Fox's Mark Levin is “inherently a foreigner” because “he's Jewish” Video & Audio 09/21/23 12:24 PM EDT
Conservative media are adamant that a criminal investigation is disqualifying for presidential candidates – unless it's Donald Trump Research/Study 09/20/23 9:01 AM EDT
“Pickett’s Charge”: Some right-wing media call out Republicans for trying to force a government shutdown Research/Study 09/19/23 4:05 PM EDT
Right-wing media recycle debunked talking points after Biden cancels ANWR oil and gas leases Research/Study 09/15/23 3:51 PM EDT
Fox News host Mark Levin admits impeachment inquiry against Biden is really just meant to hurt his reelection Video & Audio 09/15/23 10:55 AM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin scolds Republicans who fear they “could lose seats” over Biden impeachment inquiry Video & Audio 09/14/23 10:33 AM EDT