Levin to Judge Judy, “the biggest-mouthed yenta on the face of the Earth”: “Shut up, you idiot” Video & Audio 11/23/09 1:14 PM EST
Mark Levin to Palin: “You're absolutely right about” “death panels” Video & Audio 11/18/09 11:10 PM EST
Levin “disgusted” with Holder -- worse than Nixon AG John Mitchell -- for “undermining our national security” Video & Audio 11/18/09 1:27 PM EST
Levin on FBN's Imus: "[E]gomaniac" Obama went to China because he's “visiting all the regimes that he admires” Video & Audio 11/18/09 9:09 AM EST
O'Reilly cites dubious MRC report on alleged anti-Palin bias in the media Article 11/17/09 11:35 PM EST
Levin fixates on Sen. Akaka's name: “Isn't an Akaka one of the banned words? ... it just sounds bad,” “not to be confused with Macaca” Video & Audio 11/13/09 7:35 PM EST
Levin calls OMB chief Orszag an “idiot ... with a dead squirrel glued to his head” Video & Audio 11/13/09 6:13 PM EST
Levin rants against environmentalism: " 'Oh, we want clean air and clean water.' And what does that mean? Poverty!" Video & Audio 11/13/09 2:20 PM EST
Levin: President Obama “has aggressively undertaken to destroy this society like no president in my lifetime” Video & Audio 11/13/09 2:11 PM EST
Fox News advances false claim that “House Call” protest was “spontaneous” Article 11/06/09 12:55 PM EST
Levin stands behind “good lines” while smearing “Eric Hananakanakanakanaka” and “perverts” at “criminal” Media Matters Video & Audio 11/05/09 10:10 PM EST
House Republicans rally with Mark Levin - who regularly lobs sexist attacks on their colleagues Article 11/05/09 4:08 PM EST
Levin: “Corzine has done to New Jersey what Pelosi and Obama are doing to the nation” Video & Audio 11/05/09 11:33 AM EST