Right-wing media are filling a void of abortion-related coverage with misinformation Research/Study 05/21/18 10:30 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham: Everything the FBI finds in the Russia investigation “is the fruit of the poisonous tree” Video & Audio 05/21/18 10:29 AM EDT
Fox anchor: Former New Orleans mayor was “awarded for tearing down history” after taking down Confederate statues Video & Audio 05/21/18 9:23 AM EDT
NRA President-elect Oliver North blames “a culture of violence” and Ritalin for Santa Fe shooting Video & Audio 05/20/18 11:37 AM EDT
Fox News guest suggests Common Core curriculum could be responsible for school shootings Video & Audio 05/18/18 5:20 PM EDT
Following Texas high school shooting, Sean Hannity calls for the government to monitor every student's social media account Video & Audio 05/18/18 5:00 PM EDT
Fox guest dismisses concerns over flooding schools with armed security: “There's nothing to fear but fear itself” Video & Audio 05/18/18 2:20 PM EDT
Fox's Jason Chaffetz blames mental health and “politically correct culture” for shootings Video & Audio 05/18/18 2:04 PM EDT
Fox guest: “There's a myth out there, it's a false narrative, that the solution is to just give guns to teachers” Video & Audio 05/18/18 12:47 PM EDT
As news of Texas school shooting broke, Fox called for armed guards. After finding out there was an armed guard, Fox called for arming teachers. Article 05/18/18 12:31 PM EDT
Following Texas high school shooting, Fox host blames video games Video & Audio 05/18/18 11:50 AM EDT
Fox Business attacks Pope Francis for making “authoritarian socialism ... part of Catholic doctrine” Video & Audio 05/18/18 11:08 AM EDT
Fox's Ed Henry likens reporters to “rabid dogs” for covering Trump's “animals” comment Video & Audio 05/18/18 10:11 AM EDT
Sean Hannity: Mueller investigation is “a direct threat to this American republic” Video & Audio 05/17/18 9:34 PM EDT
On Fox News, Joe diGenova claims “There was a substantial effort to frame” Trump “by infiltrating his campaign, and then his administration with spies” Video & Audio 05/17/18 8:54 PM EDT
Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett: “Comey and his minions at the FBI” are out “to frame” Trump Video & Audio 05/17/18 8:03 PM EDT
Sinclair is gearing up to compete with Fox -- by being even worse than Fox Article 05/17/18 4:42 PM EDT