Fox & Friends host: Stephen Curry “dribbles a ball for a living, and somehow now he’s preaching to this president about what leadership really looks like?” Video & Audio 09/24/17 10:37 AM EDT
Charles Gasparino: The middle class doesn't pay a lot of tax, so we should cut taxes for the rich Video & Audio 09/22/17 6:23 PM EDT
How GOP leaders are using TV to misinform the public about the potential health care repeal Article 09/22/17 4:13 PM EDT
Fox host Laura Ingraham says tech companies concerned with Russian meddling are also “in bed with the Chinese” Video & Audio 09/22/17 1:06 PM EDT
Fox & Friends dismisses HHS Secretary Tom Price's repeated use of private jets because he “needs to be protected” Video & Audio 09/22/17 7:27 AM EDT
Alex Jones tells Jimmy Kimmel to stop “pimping your kid out there to push Obamacare” Video & Audio 09/21/17 3:21 PM EDT
Fox host: “All of Obamacare is immoral. All of Obamacare has resulted in human suffering” Video & Audio 09/21/17 1:23 PM EDT
Spicer’s GMA interview shows why news networks would be nuts to hire him Article 09/21/17 11:58 AM EDT
Tucker tells his black guest he understands his struggle with racism because “I'm an American” Video & Audio 09/20/17 9:49 PM EDT
“I read Breitbart”: Tucker Carlson lashes out at Maxine Waters for calling Breitbart racist Video & Audio 09/20/17 8:48 PM EDT
Bill O'Reilly: “95 percent of the women at Fox News” would say I'm a good mentor Video & Audio 09/20/17 4:15 PM EDT
Fox host: NY Times and CNN are “meddling in our US government” by reporting on leaks in the Manafort investigation Video & Audio 09/20/17 3:05 PM EDT
Anti-abortion violence and harassment was already bad. Right-wing media are making it worse. Research/Study 09/20/17 2:14 PM EDT
Fox's Laura Ingraham: NY Times “hates the idea of an independent United States of America” Video & Audio 09/20/17 11:51 AM EDT
Sinclair “must run” segment lets Trump official mislead about health care coverage Video & Audio 09/20/17 11:50 AM EDT
Fox & Friends calls 8-year-olds “shameful” for kneeling during the national anthem at a football game Video & Audio 09/20/17 10:05 AM EDT
Fox & Friends and Morning Joe equate Obama arguing against annihilating North Korea with Trump's threat to actually do it Video & Audio 09/20/17 9:12 AM EDT