Fox News personalities aggressively promote Bachmann's protest against health care reform bill Article 11/05/09 7:29 AM EST
RedState's Erickson claims purpose of Bachmann rally is “to tell Nancy Pelosi and the Congress to send Obama to a death panel” Article 11/05/09 7:00 AM EST
Hannity and Levin promote Bachmann protest; Levin warns of “fifth column ... undermining” country and soldiers Video & Audio 11/04/09 7:51 AM EST
Fox News finds another cause: Promoting Rep. Bachmann's health care protest Article 11/03/09 1:58 PM EST
Limbaugh: Scozzafava Is “Guilty Of Widespread Bestiality; She Has Screwed Every RINO In The Country” Article 11/02/09 6:56 PM EST
Mark Levin predicts “a huge uprising” when the Obama administration “start coming after” talk radio Video & Audio 10/29/09 12:24 PM EDT
In rant about inviting Obama on his show, Levin lashes out at “Rachel Mad-cow” Video & Audio 10/22/09 3:20 PM EDT
Levin claims Obama administration sees conservatives as “enemies of the state. Well so be it, it's us against them” Video & Audio 10/22/09 1:26 PM EDT
Attack on White House criticism of Fox follows years of GOP assaults on media Article 10/21/09 11:35 AM EDT
Levin claims Obama opposed to “free will,” “reject[s] ... the Declaration of Independence and limits placed on him by the Constitution” Video & Audio 10/20/09 3:53 PM EDT
Levin smears Obama as “the leader of a counter-revolution to the American revolution” Video & Audio 10/19/09 1:38 PM EDT
Levin: “With the election of this guy and this Congress, Medicare is going to be destroyed” Video & Audio 10/16/09 1:41 PM EDT
Levin: Obama admin has “same” thinking as dictators and totalitarian regimes Video & Audio 10/16/09 12:56 PM EDT
Levin fearmongers on health care: “Senior citizens, you are in their target area. ... You will be expended” Video & Audio 10/16/09 12:03 PM EDT