Fox's Kilmeade says NFL players are “creating chaos” by taking a knee during the national anthem Video & Audio 08/22/17 6:43 PM EDT
Fox & Friends is sympathetic to neo-Nazis marching but outraged over sports players kneeling Article 08/22/17 3:15 PM EDT
How Fox promoted convicted criminal Joe Arpaio, who may be pardoned by Trump Article 08/22/17 12:05 PM EDT
Fox & Friends lauds Trump's “leadership quality” after his vague and open-ended Afghanistan speech Video & Audio 08/22/17 8:22 AM EDT
Fox's Tucker Carlson hosts Blackwater founder Erik Prince to discuss Trump sending more troops to Afghanistan Video & Audio 08/21/17 8:36 PM EDT
After Charlottesville attack, anti-LGBTQ hate groups attack media outlets for accurately calling them hate groups Article 08/21/17 3:58 PM EDT
Thousands of advertisers have blacklisted Breitbart. Can Sinclair really partner with the site? Article 08/21/17 3:12 PM EDT
Fox guest and former Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson: The Civil War and slavery were part of America's “good history” Video & Audio 08/21/17 7:13 AM EDT
Five times in one week cable news couldn't get a Republican to go on TV to talk about Trump Article 08/20/17 4:42 PM EDT
Reliable Sources highlights the importance of newsroom diversity in the context of race coverage Video & Audio 08/20/17 2:02 PM EDT
On Fox, Trump defender blames his bad week on the media: Media “want to dehumanize this president” Video & Audio 08/20/17 1:23 PM EDT
Conservative civil war: Tucker Carlson says with Bannon out, Breitbart will aim their attacks at the White House Video & Audio 08/18/17 7:54 PM EDT
With Bannon gone, the far-right media trolls are ready to break up with the White House Article 08/18/17 5:13 PM EDT
Media Matters to James Murdoch: Your letter took a stand against white nationalism. Now keep it up by living your values at Fox News. Article 08/18/17 1:51 PM EDT
Fox's Nigel Farage says Americans should ignore white nationalism because Islamic terror exists Video & Audio 08/18/17 9:33 AM EDT