Newt Gingrich: The “deep state,” its “lobbying allies” and “media allies” are trying to destroy Trump Video & Audio 08/03/17 11:42 PM EDT
On Hannity, Fox's Gregg Jarrett attacks the grand jury process as “an undemocratic farce” Video & Audio 08/03/17 10:53 PM EDT
Hannity: Special prosecutor “has put together a Democratic hit squad” to take down Trump Video & Audio 08/03/17 10:38 PM EDT
Hannity: “I am the only one that is as strongly supportive of the president, of anyone else at Fox” Video & Audio 08/03/17 6:21 PM EDT
Fox's Eric Bolling: Trump a better president than Obama because he hasn't had “race riots” Video & Audio 08/03/17 6:12 PM EDT
On The Bill Press Show, Media Matters’ Matt Gertz explains how Sean Hannity spread the Seth Rich conspiracy theory Video & Audio 08/03/17 2:52 PM EDT
Fox News uses misleading statistics to suggest that white students are underrepresented in college Article 08/03/17 2:37 PM EDT
Fox hosts can't keep their facts straight while praising Trump's proposed cuts to legal immigration Video & Audio 08/03/17 9:17 AM EDT
Fox's Gutfeld: “Do we really need to push for an increase in diversity anymore?” Video & Audio 08/02/17 10:45 PM EDT
Pro-Trump trolls and white nationalists praise Stephen Miller’s nativist immigration presser Video & Audio 08/02/17 10:40 PM EDT
Fox News faces internal revolt over Seth Rich conspiracy: “People need to start getting canned” Article 08/02/17 10:17 PM EDT
What the Seth Rich conspiracy theory is, why it matters, and why Sean Hannity must be the one to pay the price Article 08/02/17 7:22 PM EDT
On The Union Edge, Media Matters' Cristina Lopez explains how right-wing media lies carry real-world consequences Video & Audio 08/02/17 7:17 PM EDT
NY Times' Glenn Thrush blasts the White House's ongoing coordination with Fox News and conservative media Video & Audio 08/02/17 5:44 PM EDT
Prime-time cable programs ignored the voices of activists in their health care coverage Article 08/02/17 4:55 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham: Affirmative action is “shafting people who are not of the appropriate color, or background, or ethnicity” Video & Audio 08/02/17 11:13 AM EDT