Levin invokes “death panel” falsehood, cites serial misinformer McCaughey in smearing Emanuel Video & Audio 10/16/09 11:37 AM EDT
In rant on health care, Levin equated Senate Finance bill with “economic slavery” Video & Audio 10/14/09 1:37 PM EDT
Conservative media fearmonger that Fox News is part of White House “enemies list” Article 10/14/09 8:59 AM EDT
More infighting on the right: Levin attacks “jerk” McKinnon and “phony” Brooks Video & Audio 10/06/09 12:14 PM EDT
Former Bush, McCain adviser McKinnon “very disappointed” by Mark Levin's “jaw-dropping hate language about the president” Video & Audio 10/05/09 10:24 AM EDT
Levin attacks Sens. Boxer and Kerry: “two complete morons who look like they come straight out of ... The Addams Family” Video & Audio 10/01/09 1:13 PM EDT
“Jerk” Obama “an incompetent boob ... you morons at Media Matters, the criminal front group, make sure you write” that down Video & Audio 09/09/09 7:53 AM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed he has “not used the word 'death panels,' except in quoting Sarah Palin” Article 08/17/09 7:18 PM EDT
Levin: “Let me suggest ... if anybody's hurt” at town hall meetings, “this White House has some responsibility for it” Video & Audio 08/07/09 10:07 PM EDT
Mark Levin “salute[s]” the “criminal enterprise” Media Matters for being “upset” at Pelosi, Sotomayor smears Video & Audio 07/30/09 12:46 PM EDT
Hour 2: Echo Chamber: Rush Joins Beck, Drudge In Promoting Pelosi/Biden Cosmetic Surgery Smear Article 07/28/09 2:28 PM EDT