Fox host on Mueller probe: Anything short of “collusion” is “going to be a dud” Video & Audio 03/18/18 1:07 PM EDT
Sean Hannity is now trying to claim he does “real news,” yet he has repeatedly admitted he's “not a journalist” Article 03/16/18 5:17 PM EDT
Torture fan Sean Hannity still hasn't been waterboarded like he promised Article 03/16/18 2:11 PM EDT
Myths and facts about California's pro-choice law regarding fake health clinics Research/Study 03/16/18 1:32 PM EDT
CNN highlights the blurred line between the Fox News personalities and staff in the Trump White House Video & Audio 03/15/18 10:33 PM EDT
Fox's Juan Williams: If you want to work in the Trump administration you have to start “in the Fox green room” Video & Audio 03/15/18 6:59 PM EDT
Conspiracy theorist and OAN employee Jack Posobiec hypes smears from defendant in Seth Rich lawsuit Video & Audio 03/15/18 4:57 PM EDT
John Bolton, Trump’s pick for national security adviser, has a record of warmongering, bigotry, and pushing conspiracy theories Research/Study 03/15/18 4:46 PM EDT
Conservative media say students protesting gun violence can’t think for themselves Article 03/15/18 1:31 PM EDT
Seth Rich's parents on their lawsuit against Fox News: “They took a rumor and ran with it” Video & Audio 03/15/18 10:27 AM EDT
Fox & Friends claims parents were “misled” about nationwide gun violence school walkout Video & Audio 03/15/18 7:57 AM EDT
Mark Levin: Robert Mueller is “a hitman ... out to get the president” Video & Audio 03/14/18 10:44 PM EDT
Gregg Jarrett: Sessions “betrayed the president” when he recused himself from Russia probe Video & Audio 03/14/18 10:40 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Teachers can't have sex with students, so they should not talk about guns with them either Video & Audio 03/14/18 9:54 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson compares students protesting gun violence to Mao's Red Guards Video & Audio 03/14/18 8:33 PM EDT