Levin on “stretch” Pelosi: “One more face lift and ... those eyes are going to pop right out” Video & Audio 07/28/09 10:37 AM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh Credits Himself, “Brethren In Talk Radio” For Opposition To Health Care Reform Article 07/22/09 2:46 PM EDT
Mark Levin: Sotomayor is “Ruth Bader Ginsburg plus about 50 pounds” Video & Audio 07/15/09 12:46 PM EDT
Levin labels Obama's policies “Bernie Madoff times a thousand. He is taking a wrecking ball to this society” Video & Audio 07/02/09 8:23 AM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh: “Liberal Infobabes” “Already In Heat” Reporting On Sanford Affair Article 06/30/09 2:35 PM EDT
Media revive Clinton-era smear, dub White House health care plan “ObamaCare” Article 06/18/09 4:05 PM EDT
After exclusive access, softball interviews during Bush admin, Fox News blasts ABC for White House exclusive Article 06/17/09 6:08 PM EDT
Hour 3: Rush's New Favorite Falsehood: Obama Wants To Bulldoze 50 U.S. Cities Article 06/16/09 3:45 PM EDT
Levin says conservatives “stand on the shoulders of the great philosophers” who progressives “reject” Video & Audio 06/09/09 10:01 PM EDT
Conservatives react to historic Supreme Court nominee by smearing Sotomayor as “racist,” “bigot” Article 05/27/09 12:23 PM EDT
Levin: SF will keep re-electing “shrill” Pelosi “as long as her makeup holds up” Video & Audio 05/26/09 7:58 AM EDT
Levin to female caller: “I don't know why your husband doesn't put a gun to his temple. Get the hell out of here” Video & Audio 05/22/09 12:40 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh: “Powell Represents The Stale, The Old, The Worn-Out GOP That Never Won Anything” Article 05/20/09 1:51 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh: "[I]f somebody can be water-tortured six times a day, then it isn't torture" Article 04/20/09 12:05 PM EDT