Fox has spent the last month repeatedly lying about Biden's climate plan Article 08/20/20 3:51 PM EDT
Drawing a false equivalence between Ilhan Omar and Marjorie Taylor Greene is not only incorrect, but a dangerous standard to set when reporting on QAnon candidates Article 08/19/20 2:24 PM EDT
Timeline: The myriad ways Facebook has exploited users' trust and privacy for profit in recent years Narrative/Timeline 08/19/20 11:55 AM EDT
Lost at sea: Fox counters brutal Trump polls with beautiful boater coverage Article 08/17/20 1:34 PM EDT
Trump's new coronavirus “adviser” is a right-wing media talking head who is consistently wrong Article 08/13/20 4:11 PM EDT
QAnon candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who claimed that there’s no evidence a plane crashed into the Pentagon Article 08/13/20 12:39 PM EDT
An ongoing list of how Republicans have built up the QAnon conspiracy theory Article 08/12/20 1:42 PM EDT
Fox News chief White House correspondent defends Trump campaign’s false claim that Harris called Biden a racist Article 08/11/20 6:38 PM EDT
Fox's dangerous efforts to downplay COVID's impact on kids mirror Trump's push to reopen schools Article 08/11/20 2:30 PM EDT
COVID-denying Fox Sports host brings Trump on his show to spread more lies about the disease and college athletics Article 08/11/20 12:35 PM EDT
Republicans refused to engage on COVID-19 relief for months and still can't agree on an approach — and now media outlets want Democrats to compromise Article 08/10/20 3:17 PM EDT
Sunday show coverage of COVID-19 relief negotiations was again filled with false equivalency Article 08/09/20 2:08 PM EDT
A CBS report on mail-in voting was missing key details, making it an easy target for right-wing media to co-opt Article 08/07/20 8:27 AM EDT