Echoing Limbaugh, Cal Thomas falsely claimed Obama has “no legislation he can point to that has his name on it” Article 01/11/08 11:48 AM EST
CNN's John King repeated McCain's dubious explanation of vote against Bush tax cuts Article 01/10/08 7:48 PM EST
Conservative radio host Cunningham falsely referred to “Barack Mohammed Hussein Obama,” advanced madrassa falsehood Article 01/09/08 8:07 PM EST
NY Times has yet to correct misquote of Clinton's comments during emotional moment in NH Article 01/09/08 6:48 PM EST
Limbaugh falsely asserted that “you won't find a Senate bill with [Obama's] name on it” Article 01/09/08 5:27 PM EST
Matthews baselessly suggested Latino voters “want more of an open border” Article 01/08/08 6:18 PM EST
Media revive characterization of Clinton as “calculating” after emotional moment in NH Article 01/08/08 5:38 PM EST
NY Times, Politico misreported Clinton's comments during emotional moment in NH Article 01/07/08 10:56 PM EST
Fox News graphic: “Rudov: Clinton's 'nagging voice' is reason she lost male vote” Article 01/04/08 9:24 PM EST
“LATEST NEWS” item on front page linked not to news story, but to Republican blog post Article 12/21/07 7:43 PM EST
Beck: Environmentalists “took the wolves out of Yellowstone Park,” “absolutely hate people” Article 12/20/07 3:25 PM EST
Beck suggested watching news story about GE bulbs on GE-owned NBC makes viewers “feel a little like Farrah Fawcett in a Lifetime movie” Article 12/19/07 4:00 PM EST
Wash. Post's Milbank distorted Clinton quote, while claiming "[i]t was very nearly a case of Too Much Information" Article 12/19/07 3:33 PM EST
Jeff Gerth appears in trailer for anti-Clinton film by Republican activist Bossie and is listed among cast Article 12/19/07 2:09 PM EST