STUDY: ABC and NBC drop the ball on covering the impact of climate change on hurricanes Research/Study 09/08/17 10:35 AM EDT
Right-wing media pushed false, racist narrative of widespread looting during Hurricane Harvey Article 09/07/17 5:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Hurricane Irma is “an exciting thing” for “the left” because they're “always working on moving their agenda forward” Video & Audio 09/07/17 3:07 PM EDT
Alex Jones: The timing of upcoming disaster movie Geostorm is “suspicious” given Hurricane Irma Video & Audio 09/06/17 4:41 PM EDT
After Trump rescinded DACA, recipients made up less than 10 percent of cable news guests Article 09/06/17 3:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Irma hurricane warnings are a scheme to benefit retailers, media, and the “climate change agenda” Video & Audio 09/05/17 3:57 PM EDT
Fox & Friends attacks public schools for teaching climate change and LGBTQ issues Video & Audio 09/01/17 9:34 AM EDT
For months, pundits have called Trump a populist, but his policies have been about giveaways to the rich Article 08/31/17 3:30 PM EDT
So far, ABC and NBC are failing to note the link between Harvey and climate change Article 08/31/17 12:50 PM EDT
Fox hides that frequent military spending advocate is a defense contractor director Article 08/31/17 12:01 PM EDT
Children’s books about gender identity prompt right-wing media freakout over trans-inclusive education Article 08/29/17 4:52 PM EDT
Conservative media launch partisan attack against Houston Democrats over evacuation orders Article 08/29/17 3:51 PM EDT
Breitbart radio host pushes Trump’s EPA chief to deny link between Hurricane Harvey and climate change Video & Audio 08/29/17 1:27 PM EDT
Publications add belated disclosures to pieces by pro-pipeline shill James “Spider” Marks Article 08/29/17 10:47 AM EDT
Amidst calamitous Harvey flooding, Pence speaks to a racist, a hurricane conspiracy theorist, and other right-wing radio hosts Article 08/28/17 11:02 PM EDT