Five lies that are ricocheting infinitely within the right-wing media bubble Article 08/01/17 5:00 PM EDT
Jake Tapper: Trump administration comments about Trump Jr.'s meeting are “so misleading as to be a lie” Video & Audio 08/01/17 4:57 PM EDT
CNN's Brooke Baldwin: Fox News' Seth Rich conspiracy is “the definition of fake news” Video & Audio 08/01/17 4:35 PM EDT
Roger Stone says he's in communication with the White House about the Seth Rich lawsuit Article 08/01/17 4:23 PM EDT
When faced with negative media coverage, Trump’s team turns to friendly outlets to plant stories Article 08/01/17 4:14 PM EDT
Here's the ridiculous explanation the GOP operative gave to explain his involvement in the Seth Rich conspiracy theory Video & Audio 08/01/17 4:00 PM EDT
A GOP operative asked Fox personalities to push a bogus Russia/Seth Rich talking point. Here are four times they did. Article 08/01/17 3:47 PM EDT
Lawsuit ties Fox News’ “devious scheming” in Seth Rich reporting to Sky bid Article 08/01/17 1:49 PM EDT
Trump administration met with a GOP donor and a Fox contributor about a fake story meant to distract from Russia probe Article 08/01/17 1:33 PM EDT
The imprisonment and execution of gay men in Chechnya has been virtually ignored by evening cable and broadcast news Research/Study 08/01/17 1:31 PM EDT
CNN's Brian Stelter explains how new Seth Rich report shows the “connections between Fox and the White House” Video & Audio 08/01/17 12:38 PM EDT
Journalists get harassed after piece claims they sympathized with criminal gang Article 08/01/17 9:22 AM EDT
Fox guest Dinesh D’Souza: Hitler took three “very destructive, genocidal ideas from the Democratic Party” Video & Audio 08/01/17 7:45 AM EDT
How Trump's lawyers, Sean Hannity, and a Sinclair outlet tried to cover up Trump Jr.'s Russia meeting Article 08/01/17 12:00 AM EDT
After Trump encourages police brutality, CNN's Jeffrey Lord brushes it off as “the New Yorker sense of humor” Video & Audio 07/31/17 10:46 PM EDT