NY Times uncritically cites anti-immigrant “hate group” Center for Immigration Studies Article 06/27/22 4:15 PM EDT
After Roe, mainstream outlets are pretending conservatives actually care about children Article 06/27/22 2:04 PM EDT
White nationalists thank Tucker Carlson for mainstreaming their “great replacement” conspiracy theory following Buffalo massacre Article 05/24/22 10:36 AM EDT
Eco-fascism is on the rise – and its anti-immigrant beliefs have a bullhorn on Fox News Article 05/19/22 9:01 AM EDT
Fox News reacts to leaked Roe opinion with misdirection, outlandish lies, and conspiracy theories Research/Study 05/18/22 8:33 AM EDT
Anti-abortion pundits were furious after Janet Yellen pointed out that reproductive freedom is essential to economic freedom Article 05/13/22 2:35 PM EDT
The NY Times’ history of opinion headlines lecturing Democrats while obscuring Republican policies Article 05/13/22 12:03 PM EDT
Extremist sheriff extremely anti-media, except when he’s going on right-wing networks Article 04/28/22 11:14 AM EDT
As abortion access deteriorates nationwide, mainstream and local media gave a small anti-choice group a major platform Article 04/12/22 11:15 AM EDT
Anti-immigrant hate groups should not be weighing in on the Ukrainian refugee crisis Article 03/17/22 11:15 AM EDT
In Alabama and Idaho, local news outlets largely fail to check misinformation behind bills to ban health care for trans youth Article 03/15/22 9:30 AM EDT
Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers calls on Holocaust denier to “run for office” Article 02/28/22 12:51 PM EST
Fox is using the Ukrainian crisis to suggest the Biden administration’s climate policies emboldened Putin Article 02/24/22 4:02 PM EST
Right-wing media target Biden’s harm reduction program with misinformation, racism, and attacks on his son’s addiction struggles Article 02/10/22 11:15 AM EST