CNN's political director: We now see connection between Trump and Russia and that connection “is Donald Trump Jr.” Video & Audio 07/10/17 10:28 PM EDT
Fox's Tucker Carlson says he doesn't know what the term “white nationalist” even means Video & Audio 07/10/17 9:49 PM EDT
Charles Krauthammer: The West redeemed itself on slavery because “the abolition of slavery is a western invention” Video & Audio 07/10/17 8:59 PM EDT
Despite conservative media claims, James Comey didn't leak classified information to NY Times Article 07/10/17 8:22 PM EDT
Fox 26 Houston's “progressive commentator” dismisses increased suicide risk of transgender people Video & Audio 07/10/17 8:08 PM EDT
Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow tells Hannity that Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russian lawyer could be a “blackmail job” Video & Audio 07/10/17 5:30 PM EDT
Brian Stelter: Trump impulsively shares false stories “based on a series of mistakes that were made on Fox News” Video & Audio 07/10/17 3:49 PM EDT
Fox News lawyer falsely claims that it wouldn't be illegal for the Trump campaign to collude with Russia Video & Audio 07/10/17 3:11 PM EDT
To right-wing media, Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer is a “nothingburger” Article 07/10/17 3:08 PM EDT
How anti-abortion extremists are using Tucker Carlson's show to cultivate the far right Article 07/10/17 11:52 AM EDT
Fox's Doocy blames “the deep state” for NY Times report about Trump Jr. meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer Video & Audio 07/10/17 8:43 AM EDT
Fox host on criticism of Ivanka Trump sitting in at the G20: “Are Democrats reigniting the war on women?” Video & Audio 07/10/17 8:41 AM EDT
With stunning ignorance, Fox host somehow touts company's “determination to move quickly” on cases of sexual misconduct Video & Audio 07/09/17 3:13 PM EDT
Newt Gingrich pushes myth that able-bodied adults are freeloading off Medicaid to suggest work requirement Video & Audio 07/09/17 1:36 PM EDT
On Fox, Corey Lewandowski says Putin's denial of Russia hacking US election makes the issue “officially dead” Video & Audio 07/09/17 11:56 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Sec. of Defense Mattis should resign if he allows transgender Americans to serve in the military Video & Audio 07/07/17 9:43 PM EDT
Pro-Trump media claim “shadow President” Obama is violating the Logan Act Article 07/07/17 5:29 PM EDT