Leaked memo shows Fox knew Hannity's show pushed Ukraine “disinformation” -- but did nothing Article 02/07/20 12:59 PM EST
Trump is using Global Entry as political retaliation. Some media outlets aren't calling that out. Article 02/06/20 2:35 PM EST
Right-wing pundits demand Pelosi's arrest after she tears up Trump's speech Article 02/05/20 5:16 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh's bigotry set the stage for Trump's takeover of the Republican Party Article 02/05/20 1:11 PM EST
Fox host Steve Doocy says Trump's State of the Union had “a very centrist kind of message” Video & Audio 02/05/20 8:38 AM EST
Despite CNN ban, other network anchors meet off the record with Trump to discuss the State of the Union Article 02/04/20 6:13 PM EST
Despite supposed Fox policy, contributor Sarah Huckabee Sanders preps future political run with GOP events Article 02/03/20 1:21 PM EST
Fabricated and wildly inaccurate: Peter Schweizer's new book gets bankruptcy law totally wrong in attack on Elizabeth Warren Article 02/03/20 11:59 AM EST
Sean Hannity is conducting Trump’s Super Bowl interview because Fox’s primary purpose is propaganda Article 01/31/20 7:44 AM EST
Fox's straight news coverage of impeachment is just recycled GOP talking points Article 01/30/20 1:12 PM EST
Outrage over offending red America highlights a major double standard in media Article 01/30/20 12:47 PM EST
John Bolton is just the latest right-wing media darling-turned-enemy after crossing Trump Article 01/29/20 1:03 PM EST
Trump surrogate Stacy Washington praised Russia’s LGBTQ crackdown and touted discredited and harmful conversion therapy Article 01/29/20 11:22 AM EST
Watch how Trump propaganda network OANN desperately spun the John Bolton news Article 01/28/20 3:09 PM EST
PBS, NPR feature “both sides” impeachment coverage — while Trump threatens them Article 01/28/20 2:48 PM EST