Former President Obama said “right-wing media venues” have stoked racism for money. Fox News is leading that effort. Article 06/09/21 9:23 AM EDT
Lachlan Murdoch gave Tucker Carlson the green light to spread “replacement theory,” and he took it Article 06/08/21 12:54 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson calls immigration “the most radical possible attack on the core premise of democracy” Video & Audio 06/07/21 8:29 PM EDT
On Fox News, white nationalist Tucker Carlson hosts white nationalist Stephen Miller to discuss systemic reverse racism Video & Audio 06/03/21 9:06 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson defends white supremacists from the claim they are a threat to America Video & Audio 06/02/21 8:57 PM EDT
60 Minutes segment on trans health care becomes ammo for right-wing media attacks Article 05/27/21 10:53 AM EDT
Fox News has attacked Black Lives Matter over 400 times in a 6-month period Research/Study 05/26/21 12:07 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “They're trying to change the population in the United States, and they hate it when you say that because it's true” Video & Audio 05/24/21 9:46 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: The main downside of “any immigration, is that it makes the country more volatile” Video & Audio 05/24/21 8:59 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “Public health doesn't apply when we're changing the demographic mix to favor the Democratic Party” Video & Audio 05/21/21 9:24 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson suggests “a real insurrection” over asylum seekers at the southern border receiving taxpayer funded aid Video & Audio 05/21/21 8:53 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Vice President Harris and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez “hate America” and “they’re trying to destroy it” Video & Audio 05/20/21 9:23 PM EDT