Napolitano suggests government will “take our lives ... without due process” if it hates or fears us Video & Audio 10/12/10 6:44 PM EDT
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: Media Matters report shows “clear link” between “armed violence” and Fox News rhetoric Article 10/12/10 11:30 AM EDT
Savage: If GOP takes over, they should “try [Soros] for crimes against America” Video & Audio 10/11/10 6:44 PM EDT
Hannity still pushing Gallup unemployment numbers even after official numbers came out Video & Audio 10/08/10 9:44 PM EDT
Damage control: Fox defends Rove's GOP slush fund from potential IRS audit Article 10/07/10 4:43 PM EDT
I triple dog dare LA Times' Andrew Malcolm to blog Palin's latest dreadful polling numbers Article 10/07/10 11:24 AM EDT
In unhinged rant, Beck says he'd rather “have a frog in” Senate than CT candidate Blumenthal Video & Audio 10/06/10 11:44 AM EDT
Beck to Democrats: “If you don't teach both parties a lesson, your party will be completely consumed by 2012” Video & Audio 10/05/10 11:44 AM EDT
Beck disapproves of how One Nation rally attendees said the Pledge of Allegiance Video & Audio 10/04/10 5:44 PM EDT
Choosing sides: Fox figures defend Paladino after he threatens their News Corp. colleague Article 10/04/10 3:33 PM EDT
Milbank: Beck is “dangerous,” gives “fringe conspiracy theories” a large audience Video & Audio 10/03/10 1:44 PM EDT
Herridge is not alone: News Corp.'s history of discrimination complaints Article 10/01/10 1:42 PM EDT
Are Breitbart bloggers forbidden from writing about the O'Keefe “prank”? Article 09/30/10 7:44 AM EDT