On WNYC's On the Media, Lisa Hymas explains what the press got right and wrong in covering the National Climate Assessment Article 12/03/18 3:39 PM EST
Sunday shows finally talk about climate change (but that doesn’t mean the coverage was good) Article 11/26/18 4:29 PM EST
Foreign media outlets keep showing how to cover politics in the age of Trump. Will U.S. outlets learn their lesson? Article 11/20/18 10:17 AM EST
Fox News president says his network “supports CNN,” but Fox News personalities have been attacking CNN and Jim Acosta on air Article 11/14/18 1:32 PM EST
Fox's Howard Kurtz: It was a “misstep” for the White House to smear Jim Acosta with a “doctored video put out by Infowars” Video & Audio 11/08/18 1:14 PM EST
Fox's Stuart Varney: “Jim Acosta is a disgrace ... He struggled with a young White House intern. It was an awful display, shameful, frankly.” Video & Audio 11/08/18 11:13 AM EST
Fox Business' Trish Regan asks attorney to use her background in sexual assault cases to assess CNN’s Jim Acosta's refusal to give up microphone Video & Audio 11/07/18 8:51 PM EST
Fox's Chris Wallace attacks CNN reporter: “Acosta's behavior was shameful” while questioning Trump Video & Audio 11/07/18 2:17 PM EST
Meghan McCain tells Democrats to run moderates to pick up Republican votes, then admits she'll always vote GOP Video & Audio 11/07/18 1:34 PM EST
Watch Fox's Chris Wallace call out Laura Ingraham's “complete mischaracterization” of the midterms as a GOP victory Video & Audio 11/06/18 11:13 PM EST
Lachlan Murdoch wants empathy for Fox hosts who push propaganda and racism Article 11/01/18 5:03 PM EDT
Fox News Sunday links “disrespectful” progressives confronting politicians verbally to terrorist acts Video & Audio 10/28/18 11:12 AM EDT
Shep Smith: Ignoring Trump's rhetoric when discussing pipe bombs sent to political opponents is a “fool's folly” Video & Audio 10/26/18 5:07 PM EDT
Fox anchors: Brett Kavanaugh should argue that he's not guilty just because he's “a white guy” Video & Audio 09/27/18 2:14 PM EDT
What Fox is telling Trump about Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh's hearing Article 09/27/18 12:43 PM EDT
Fox's Chris Wallace: The prosecutor questioning Christine Blasey Ford “has so far not landed a glove” on her Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:42 PM EDT
The state-by-state impact of overturning Roe with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court Research/Study 09/06/18 2:07 PM EDT
Brian Kilmeade: Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings are “like a Penn State hazing” Video & Audio 09/05/18 8:31 AM EDT