Republicans received an email “from” Sean Hannity asking for money “to re-elect the president and all Republicans this November” Article 09/09/20 11:21 AM EDT
Sean Hannity calls for “poll watchers everywhere” and “lawyers everywhere” on Election Day Video & Audio 09/08/20 9:58 PM EDT
Fox & Friends covers for Trump's insults against military dead, after Fox indulged years of fake Obama military scandals Article 09/04/20 12:54 PM EDT
Fox News' misinformation and lies about Biden are dominating cable news coverage of fracking Article 09/03/20 11:30 AM EDT
Right-wing media falsely claim Trump’s dismantling of the Postal Service is a Democratic conspiracy theory Article 09/02/20 12:18 PM EDT
Fox pushing NY Post story alleging unvetted claims of widespread mail-in ballot fraud by anonymous Democratic operative Article 09/01/20 1:40 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: “At some point people have no other option. If the police won’t defend you, what do honest law-abiding people then do?” Video & Audio 08/28/20 6:39 PM EDT
Sean Hannity analyzes RNC for Fox News as he appears in RNC hype video Video & Audio 08/27/20 10:36 PM EDT
Sean Hannity's lawyer is apparently soliciting donations for the Kenosha gunman Article 08/27/20 7:58 PM EDT
Fox’s whitewash of Trump's QAnon endorsement helps explain how it happened in the first place Article 08/21/20 1:29 PM EDT
The definitive guide to Fox News' treatment of the QAnon conspiracy theory Article 08/21/20 11:20 AM EDT
After Sean Hannity presses him to monitor polling places, Trump says he will send law enforcement Video & Audio 08/20/20 11:47 PM EDT
As climate change took the stage at the Democratic National Convention, right-wing media pushed 3 lies about Biden’s climate plan Article 08/20/20 5:51 PM EDT
Fox has spent the last month repeatedly lying about Biden's climate plan Article 08/20/20 3:51 PM EDT
QAnon supporters overjoyed after Trump endorses the unhinged conspiracy theory Article 08/19/20 9:01 PM EDT
Fox News really doesn’t care about voluminous evidence of Trump-Russia malfeasance Article 08/19/20 4:59 PM EDT